Hello lovely people,
There are some technical gremlins going on with some browsers not being able to see all payment options on my website.
It is possible to pay with any credit or debit card through the Paypal checkout. It is slightly confusing in that it is a Paypal checkout, but it is possible to pay with any card.
However, it seems that some browsers are hiding all of the payment options, who on earth knows why?! Therefore, the QR code to my SumUp payment system is shown below, or if you prefer, let me know and I will send you a payment link via an invoice at the SumUp website.
I can assure you that all of the payment systems are safe, which is why I chose Paypal and SumUp, and I will get to the bottom of this irksome issue soon.
Below is the QR code. If you do use the QR, could you please also email me to let me know what to send and where to, the email address is hello@littlehouseofvictoria.com

Thanks very much
Love from Victoria x