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A sneak preview of my latest embroidery project!

Victoria Merness

I've been very busy beavering away in my studio on my latest project and here is a sneak preview:

As you can see pinned to the right hand corner of my embroidery frame is the source material for this project. It's a small photo of my Great Grandfather Paul Angel Minana Merness taken in the 1930's in Upper Mill in Oldham, he was visiting from Buenos Aires in Argentina where he lived. The photo is a copy of the original and it is badly faded but with some digital jiggerypokery it has been printed onto fabric measuring 2 metres in width by 1 metre, it's quite a project!

However I won't be populating all of the fabric but will be selecting certain areas to embroider.

For all you stitch and texture fanatics out there (like me) here is a close up:

This project is the last module for the M.A. in Contemporary Fine Art that I have been studying at The University of Salford. I have produced a series of four embroidered panels and this is the last one within this project. The theme for this body of work is focused on an autobiographical theme combined with the therapeutic benefits of crafts and in particular stitched artwork.

Family and well-being has been a recurring theme within my work over the last two years but when I started this I didn't realise how relevant it would become in these difficult times. The comforting rhythmic action of stitch has been a coping mechanism in coming to terms with what is happening right now globally.

If any of you are thinking of taking up stitching but don't know where to start then please feel free to contact me at and I will do my best to help. If you need assistance choosing materials please get in contact.

It's incredibly easy, just pick up anything you have to hand; needles, thread and any fabric and away you go!


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